Why’d we always forget?

Andini Dwiyanti
3 min readOct 11, 2022


uploaded by Helena Reduto

Have you ever think why we so easly to forget a simple things? like a name of friends, vocabulary, meeting times, a foreign words you ever learned before or even your intention?

And it was happend to me 3 hours ago when i’m about to take a shower and i was thinking about to wash my shoes after that. It’s taken a hours for me to shower and changed my clothes — a minutes after, i got a notification from oomf who told me that my favorite actor had posted something on his ig.

So i just walk to my shoe rack whilst focus on my phone to checked him. And after i’m standing in front of my shoes rack i just forget about why’d i came here? why i’m standing here? what the purpose? why i forget? And it’s annoying me that why we forgetting so easly?

About how much forgetfull things can happend, i want to do a small discuss how we can forget the intention in Sigmund Preference

So first of all i want to talk about what is forgetting?

Forgetting or disremembering is the apparent loss or modification of information already encoded and stored in an individual’s short or long-term memory. It’s a spontaneous or gradual process in which old memories are unable to be recalled from memory storage.

And to start the discuss i would talk about the book i’ve been read. Psychopathology of Everyday Life by Sigmund Freud an Austrian neurologist and the founder of psychoanalysis where he wrote about why’d we forget about name, words, and intention.

Sigmun Freud wrote about the important and unimportant things that can makes people to be forgetfulness. He said that “Forgetting is permissble in unimportant matters, but in weighty matters its occurence an indication that one whises to treat weighty matters as important”

So it’s imposible for person forget to carry out actions that seem important to himself. Sigmund added that we mostly forgetting for less secondary intention because for no intention do we deem absolutely indifferent.

Then what if we forget ‘something’ signified that the ‘something’ wasn’t important ?

Maybe it’s Yes and No

Because the important things turn out to be insignificant due to a distraction, and the secondary intention was originally is the first intention who get replaced because of distraction.

Like when we have intended to read book “A” but suddenly we got distraction by the notification from our phone. The first important thing is that our intention to read a book but being busy playing handphone instead.

It was related with the interfence theory who refers to the idea that when the learning of something new causes forgetting of older material on the basis of competition between the two. This essentially states that memory’s information may become confused or combined with other information during encoding, resulting in the distortion or disruption of memories.

Pic by Lumen Learning

So after my “wash shoes” memories subtituded by the “my favorite actor posted something” it made my mind make a new memories about what excatly i’ve to do that is “Check my favorite actor”.

The view-point of sigmund can be the validity for my actions before, because it was true that i put “my wash shoes” intention as secondary after i got a notification from my friend. So the notification be my important intention and it’s subtituded new information in my head about the important intention that is “wash my shoes”

So if you’ve forgotten something, it may be because you didn’t encode it very effectively, because you were distracted while encoding should have taken place, or because you’re having trouble retrieving it.

So if you do have trouble remembering something don’t assume that you have physical disease — it’s because maybe you just got a distraction.



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